Setting up a limited company provides you with a great deal of financial benefits, although the pros far outweigh the cons, it can be difficult to fully understand how it all works.
The Pro’s
- Limited companies are more attractive for agencies and end clients, you are more likely to secure contracts and be considered for placements as a limited company service provider.
- You have the flexibility of running your own business and potentially delegating tasks to employees and growing your own brand over the course of your career.
- You have more control over projects and contracts, as you can choose opportunities.
- Profitable Limited Companies are attractive to potential investors and can be sold as an asset.
- Many business costs are eligible for tax relief, which allow them to be eliminated when calculating taxable profit.
- Limited companies can save up to £5,000 of income per year by registering for the flat rate VAT scheme.
- You determine your payment structure, and we can help you with strategies to meet your NIC requirements, while ensuring your eligibility for National Pension Scheme.
- You can also receive tax-free drawings in the form of dividends if your company is in profit.
The Cons
- Setting-up and running your own limited company is a long-term commitment is not ideal if your are on a short term contract.
- Key responsibilities as Director of a Limited Company include: accurate accounting, sales and marketing to find and secure contracts, insurance cover, business bank account, payments and credit control. Tax receipts must be collected for all business expenses.
- Cephas will consider your circumstances and aim to provide the best accountancy support and advice based on your requirements.
- As a Limited Company you should consider the IR35 and Managed Service Company legislation.
- As a limited company you will often have to negotiate your own contract terms as a legal entity you may fall outside the baseline standards set for the treatment of employees while on contract.